The server password will be removed today this morning at 8am till 8pm for practice again tommorow 9am till 9pm then open all week from monday till friday as i'm out behave as I will be checking replays.
The server name has been changed and changed to F1TCC | Qual this is the pernament name for the server and it will not change! Please remember this as the server is also locked and passwords won't be given out!
This is a quick update as we are now comming to the end of May and its comming into the start of june my leauge will be starting in a matter of weeks and in 1 week time the signups will close and the practice sessions will be listed.
The System
The server will be open for sertain times in the day for practice sessions the DAY BEFORE THE QUALIFICATION, and when the day of the qualification comes the server will be open 10 minuites BEFORE the start of the qualification/race session and then close when the qualification/race starts if you are not there 0 points and a Pit Start will be allocated in the next race you take part in. The server name will be sent to you on the friday before the race.
Airio will be tested on the start of the league BUT if any lag is detected we will shut it down and the race will continue without Airio. The server is hosted on Linux so there shouldn't be any lag.
The results are now revealed there has not been penalty’s applied to these results these may change in the coming days. POOL 1 – TOP 10 FINISHERS 1st Place: CoRe P.Santos 2nd Place: RudiTurbo 3rd Place: HR™ B.Chalaris 4th Place: HR™ M.Chalaris 5th Place: Kamo 6th Place: Lacko 7th Place: R4F - Cante 8th Place: GTS Dominic 9th Place: [Fluid] indie 10th Place: HR™ G.Alamaros POOL 2 – TOP 10 FINISHERS 1st Place: [ZION] Achim 2nd Place: [ZION] Marcin 3rd Place: [PM] Ant 4th Place: [KA]Braker 5th Place: [KA]Ebmer 6th Place: AMT>>sermillan 7th Place: sccc| Wakey 8th Place: HR™ N.Koudourakis 9th Place: [ZION] Firebee 10th Place: [KA]Thunderdome POOL 3 – TOP 10 FINISHERS 1st Place – Boxeg 2nd Place – [AD] Maciekkk 3rd Place – Fasterkid 4th Place – eX.R Mikey23 5th Place – DTM*BrS_[mk2] 6th Place – eK.R Asconna b 7th Place – N!|S 8th Place – Kimble 9th Place – SCCC|AtomAnt 10th Place – [XR] PeterVSP I have not had a chance to look at the replays FULLY I am away next week so I will look at Pool 1 replay tommorow afternoon and i'll see what u complain about in the morning. Thanks!
I knew the race layout would cause problems inside the LFS Server anyway, but you know really I do not think you should've put that layout on there because of these problems which are going to be caused ohwell lets hope the next event dosen't cause any problems.
I'm having a look at the replays from the last weekends session I'll let you know if I find any problems or improvements could be made.
Did you like the layout for that track? Did you have any complaints or even sugestions for next weekends race? Comments are welcome and we will try and answer them.
RESULTS LISTED TODAY Results are now listed below at 8pm
Oh yes we have now got a server for pre-season practicing it will be up tommorow with the first track of the season FE4 I will annouce the server name this afternoon 4pm ish.
May 2010 Rules Update • Tires will be limited to 8 tyres each race. • Setup Changes allowed but it will incur a drive through penalty. Thats about all rule updates at the momment more changes will come soon.
It won't fail hp999, nothing being said about me is true It won't fail guys! Oh yeah aswell can we not turn this into a thread of arguments please keep it to the topic here and signups for the league.
Boothy thats ok then I will do it 2:60.0 in a FXR Oh yeah Boothy your in and yes I will let the league have a server and it'll be me whos hosting it so why don't you lot stop doubting me.
Good Evening I am abit distressed about the previous comment made about you this comment has forced me to set a time limit for you and only you and this time limit is to set a 1:08.0 in 15 days on any of the tracks and send me the Replay thanks.
No it wont not this year I have organised everything to perfection nothing is going to be left un-turned I hope to pay for the server soon but I'll let you know as soon as possible when its on.
I have been on this server since I was a demo racer and I have seen many and I mean many people being kicked and banned for either a reason or just maybe they might be annoying a sertain person and now to see AA become a horrid place to be I really dont like that kind of behavior the server and LFS was for fun but many of you now take that abit 2 far in that seriously and by taking it that far you get many people kicking people and banning people but my advice is that to get everyone togeather and kick their ****'s and re-orintate them to the written rules here I really dont want this server to turn out like all the others.